Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year From New York: Mafia Kills! Directed by Raoul Levy Golden Car Directed by Jean Becker Nick Carter Doesn’t Forget Directed by Henri Decoin Mysterious Mr. Van Eyck (the) Directed by A. NAVARRO Death Belongs To Manila (the) Directed by Wolfgang Becker New York Calling Superdragon Directed by Giorgio Ferroni For A Handful Of Gold (tarzak) Directed by Charlie Foster Hostage Directed by Sandy Howard Fire throne Directed by Franco Jesús Magnificent Robin Hood Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Karzan, Master Of The Jungle Directed by Demofilo Fidani Blows, Pirates And Karate Directed by Joe D'Amato Shaking Fists Directed by Giuseppe Vari Amazons For Love And War Directed by Alfonso Brescia Even Angels Like Beans Directed by E. B. Clucher Scalawag Directed by Zoran Calic Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next