Library Genre Adventure Order by Title Director Year Indians Towards The North – West Directed by Luigi De Marchi Cheri Bibi Directed by Marcello Pagliero Last Buccaneers (the) Directed by Marco Elter Red Pirate’s Son (the) Directed by Marco Elter Montecristo Island (the) Directed by Mario Sequi Suleiman The Conqueror Directed by Mario Tota Tavern Of Freedom (the) Directed by Maurice Cam Oil Directed by Mircea Dragan Tentacles Directed by Oliver Hellman Scourge Of The Barbarians (the) Directed by Piero Regnoli Deep Blood Directed by Raf Donato From New York: Mafia Kills! Directed by Raoul Levy Montecristo’s Revenge Directed by Robert Varnay Magnificent Robin Hood Directed by Roberto Bianchi Montero Zorikan, The Exterminator Directed by Roberto Mauri Rommel's treasure Directed by Romolo Marcellini Pagination Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next